Welcome to the Color of the Week Project.
It’s May 31st, 2016.
This is Color #7.
It’s Brick Red.




Now that you’ve met Brick Red, you can

WEAR IT: You can wear Brick Red to support the root chakra and to experience a strong foundation
SHARE IT: When you see the color- Brick Red  take a picture and share it onInstagram,  or on the Intuitive Bridge Facebook Page.

The instagram hashtags are #BrickRed and #IBcolor.





Hey- It’s Bridget.

Humanity has been around for about 200,000 years. That’s 10,000 generations. That’s 10,000 times in a row that your ancestors successfully made it to adulthood and had children.

That’s mind-blowing!

What a strong foundation that you’re standing on. What an incredible stroke of luck to be one of the beautiful few that is here today.

Even if you don’t feel like you relate to your family, even if you feel really different- somewhere in your ancestry- there are people who support you and who are like you- that’s what brick red is here to remind us.

Much Love!

Bridget Pilloud




The world around us is full of color.
Every color has a meaning.
And any color can be a message to us, helping us engage with the world, feel better, and do better.

Each Monday, I share a color and its meaning. I also share about the chakras that particular color supports.
I encourage you to pay attention and see which colors show up for you in your life.
If you see the color of the week, take a picture of it, and share it on Instagram or on the Intuitive Bridge facebook page!

As we find ourselves paying attention to color, we find a deep connection to the world around us. That’s my hope.

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