Welcome to the Color of the Week Project.
It’s May 23rd, 2016.
This is Color #6.
It’s Aqua Vita.


Now that you’ve met Aqua Vita, you can

WEAR IT: You can wear the color Aqua Vita to support the heart and throat chakra and to experience clarity and comfort.
SHARE IT: When you see the color- Aqua Vita  take a picture and share it onInstagram,  or on the Intuitive Bridge Facebook Page.

The instagram hashtags are #Aquavita and #IBcolor.


Hey- It’s Bridget.

My friend Sarah asked me today how I pick the color of the week. I actually don’t pick it. I gathered a list of about 130 colors and then copied it into a random list maker, hit the button and then copied it back into excel. Every week, I open my spreadsheet and grab the next color.

Yesterday, I was so happy and relieved to see that it was Aqua Vita. There’s a lot of change happening in my life right now, some good, some not-so-good.

We all need clarity and comfort. And as I was writing this, I looked up and saw a sparkly star decorating my office- it’s aqua vita, and it’s been sitting there, unnoticed for six months.

The answers are right in front of us, in living color.

Have a great week!

Much Love!

Bridget Pilloud


The world around us is full of color.
Every color has a meaning.
And any color can be a message to us, helping us engage with the world, feel better, and do better.

Each Monday, I share a color and its meaning. I also share about the chakras that particular color supports.
I encourage you to pay attention and see which colors show up for you in your life.
If you see the color of the week, take a picture of it, and share it on Instagram or on the Intuitive Bridge facebook page!

As we find ourselves paying attention to color, we find a deep connection to the world around us. That’s my hope.

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